Tuesday 4 April 2017

DAY 214

Apr 3

1) Today has been a long day of studying for me. Brought my stuff to the library first thing in the morning, and I've been there since. But as with all things in life, there were some unexpected surprises in store. At around 10am, a stall was set up at the entrance to the library, and on closer inspection it was the students of RSU, who were campaigning for RSU to be the new Student Union for the next academic year.

2) Free doughnuts and coffee were served, with the promise of free ice-cream at 3.00pm. And as we all know, the one thing that Malaysians love to hear, more than anything else, is the word FREE. I presume they managed to attract a huge number of students to vote for them just by that stint haha. But in all honesty, most of my friends are in this team, so when the time comes to vote for a team to be the new SU team, I know who I'm voting for.

3) The afternoons and evenings are essentially a rehash of what I do (almost) every single day: study, a short nap, and back to more study. Tomorrow's exams are very important in terms of contributions to our final mark, so I had to make sure I learnt the lectures inside out. Went home a bit earlier, to make sure I got enough sleep for tomorrow's exam. That's all for today, and thanks very much for reading. Have a great day, cheers!

Group photo with members of team RSU


Doughnut and coffee, a perfect combination

Pasta carbonara for lunch

The ice-cream proved to be a hit with everyone

Peppermint ice-cream ^^

After a double helping of ice-cream, coupled with a large cup of coffee in the morning, I was adequately equipped to last through the night, right up until my exams the next day (which ends at 8.45am), after which I'll crash XD

Coin-shaped chocolate (and on it is written "libertie, egalitie, fraternitie", the national motto of France and the Republic of Haiti

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