Friday 21 April 2017

DAY 232

Apr 21

1) Today has been a fruitful day for me. As usual, I went to the library after breakfast, to revise for my OSCE and history taking exams. At around a quarter past eleven, I made my way to RCSI for an anatomy revision. There were only four surgeon prosectors, so lots of students were crowded over each prosector. Still, it was a very informative session, just ahead of our anatomy practicals exactly one week from now.

2) In the afternoon, Hong and I walked over to South Street Restaurant on George St, where there was an appreciation lunch organised by PMCSA for all the volunteers and participants who helped out with their various activities. We were all treated to a 2-course meal, which was really generous of them indeed. After our fabulous meal, I returned to the library with Melvin and Melissa.

3) Spent the afternoon sleeping, before going to Dunnes to buy a loaf of bread and some biscuits. The rest of the evening was just more studying and revising. After supper, I decided to call it a day and packed my stuff to go home. That has been my day, and thanks for reading. Have a good day, cheers!

Thanks PMCSA for the wonderful treat :)

South Street Restaurant

Minestrone soup for starters...
Lasagna as the main course

It was a full house of us RCSI students today :D

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