Wednesday 12 April 2017

DAY 223

Apr 12

1) Today has been another long day at the library. There's really not many days left until our first exam, which is our OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination). So we are rotated through three stations, one of which is a History Taking Station, another is a Cardio/Resp/GI exam station, and the last is a rest station - in random order. All in all it shouldn't take longer than 15 minutes, but what effort required for it!

2) As you can imagine, my entire day has been spent at the library. Sometimes it's hard to find motivation to study when you don't even know where to start, because there's just so much to cover. So I just picked anatomy and studied that for the afternoon.

3) In the evening, I went over to the National Surgical Training Centre for our last Surgical Laporoscopy Session. It was the same five tasks, from simple transferring of pegs to the more difficult extracorporeal and intracorporeal suturing simulation tasks. Thankfully, I managed to complete all five tasks without too much of a hassle. I've done these same tasks so many times that it has become a bit like muscle memory to me - just like when I play the piano.

4) Returned to the library after saying goodbye to Mr. Harrington, the Surgical Research Fellow, for what is our last session before the holidays. They will use the data recorded (time taken, number of pegs transferred etc.) to plot a chart over time to see whether our skills improve/decline/show no change over time. That should be pretty interesting to see. I suspect mine to be all over the place, as there were some really good days and some pretty bad ones as well for me.

5) The rest of the evening is just trying to focus on my studies and not get distracted by other activities (believe me, when you are sick of studying, anything becomes interesting haha). That's the life of a medical student: we study hard, then party hard. And I can't wait for the latter. And on that note, I'll end my blog update here. Thanks for reading as always, and have a nice day. Cheers!

The trees are starting to bloom and gosh do they look beautiful

Disclaimer: those are jelly beans, not meds

My lunch, at the Mercer Cafe

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