Thursday 13 April 2017

DAY 224

Apr 13

1) Today has been a rather boring day for me in the library. For the most part of the day, I was trying my best to focus on my studies. Sometimes, my mind would just wander off and refuse to absorb anything, so I knew I needed a break. Then, I would just listen to the Headspace app which I got free access to, after signing up as a volunteer for the programme. It basically teaches the mind to relax, and each session lasts only about 10 minutes.

2) The one exciting thing I managed to do today was to set up a page for raising money for charity. I recently signed up for the SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon, which takes place somewhere in October this year. Along with that, I chose to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society. They sent me an info pack, with information on how to set up a website, and how to ask for donations. I think it's a very worthy cause, as all the proceeds would help fund cancer research.

3) If anyone is willing to donate, I'll attach the link to the website, and just click on the Green button that says "Give Now". The sum you donate is inconsequential; what matters most is the thought that goes behind it. Anyway, back to the day's activities. In the evening, my friends and I met up at the Mercer Cafe, where we booked the accommodation for our summer trip. Hopefully things go smoothly, and we'll have a very enjoyable and well-deserved vacation.

4) The rest of the night was, as you may already have guessed, spent on studying. I'm careful to know my own limits - and I'm only pushing as far as I can. As long as I don't have to repeat any module, I'll be satisfied. Anyway, that's my whole day summed up. Thanks for reading as always, and have a great day. Cheers!

P.S. Here's the link:

Back to the bones then XD


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