Friday 7 April 2017

DAY 218

Apr 7

1) Today marks the second last day of our term. Next Tuesday, we have one more session, and then it's self revision from then onwards. So I woke up early again to make it to the 8.00am class, which was a HBPS lecture with a twist. Presented by a mother who spoke on a sequence of medical errors which led to her son's untimely demise, this was definitely a very difficult safety case from the perspective of a family member.

2) Anatomy lecture followed immediately afterwards, followed by anatomy practicals in the Anatomy Room. In the afternoon, Group A (the second group) had their card signings, while I just revised some previous lectures. At 3.00pm, we had our final Healthcare Symposia, which was on addiction and homelessness. We gained a better appreciation at how addictive drugs can be, as well as how intense the withdrawal symptoms could be.

3) Afterward, I packed my stuff and went to the library. In the evening, I had my dinner in the Mercer Cafe, before coming back to study. I finally have enough information to fill up my ICP Portfolio, but I still some ways to go before being able to submit it. Best to get started then. That's the end of my day, and I hope you enjoyed reading. Thanks as always, and have a great day. Cheers!

Yet more flowers in St. Stephen's Green

Breakfast as usual

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