Wednesday 5 April 2017

DAY 216

Apr 5

1) Today has been a typical day for me in the library. Having struck the Histology Quiz off the list, I'm now left with the submission of two individual assignments, after which it will be the finals that I'm preparing for. I drafted out a simple schedule to follow for the next month or so, which (fingers crossed) will allow me to finish revision by the time exams come about.

2) I spent the better part of the morning working on one of the individual assignments (ICP1). We still have two more patient contact sessions - one at the next Healthcare Symposia, and the other at the Expert Patient Session tomorrow. After that, we'll have all the material to finish our ICP portfolio. Over the course of the afternoon, it was back to revising the usual cycle of GIHEP, FUN2, REGUB, and some anatomy.

3) Tomorrow represents a bit of a crisis for me. I agreed to volunteer for the REACH RCSI Sports Day 2017, but at the same time that means I'll have to forgo both Anatomy Practicals and possibly, the Expert Patient Session. It was a TOUGH choice, but finally I decided that I'd skip lessons tomorrow. Anyway, I'll worry about that another time. I still have all these lessons to sift through, and not a lot of time at all. Our first final exam starts barely three weeks from now, so it's best to start ASAP. That's been my day today, and thanks as always for reading. Have a great day, cheers!

Throwback to a coin
(Vote RSU - yep, just trying to throw in some subtle hints here ^^)

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