Thursday 20 April 2017

DAY 231

Apr 20

1) Today has seen the resolution to many issues that have plaguing my mind. Firstly, the issue regarding my accommodation. The first host family had sadly rejected my booking application, explaining that they did not have the room vacant for the duration of my stay. So I was forced to find another one on the hostingpower website. I found another one that was a bit further, but still rather convenient for me.

2) I was searching for alternative solutions in case I got a negative response. Fortunately, this afternoon I received confirmation that they would be delighted to have me staying with them. What a sigh of relief, and a valuable lesson for me not to delay looking for accommodation ever again.

3) Another stroke of luck for me was not having to book transportation from Munich to Nuremberg for a second time, and risk losing a hard earned €50.00. My friends and I are going for a trip during the summer, and I was booking the Flixbus to Nuremberg and back. After booking, they said a confirmation email had been sent to me, and I was required to access it to confirm my booking. But when I checked my email, it was nowhere to be found!

4) So I wrote an email to them a couple of days ago, explaining the situation. And the automated reply asked me to be patient as they had received many emails of this kind, and they needed time to reply to all of them. I was seriously agitated over this, because I thought I had just squandered away my parent's hard earned cash. Although my dad told me not to worry and that it wasn't a large amount, I still felt really bad. And today, I received the confirmation of my booking, plus the voucher to print out as proof that I had already booked the tickets!

5) Besides all this, it has been a productive day for me. At around 10.00am, my friends and I went to Millin basement, where our senior Addy was kind enough to take time off to help us out with our history taking. We went through history taking for all three systems, and while I can't speak for the others, I definitely learnt a lot! It's indeed a privilege to have such good support and rapport with our seniors. Coming back, I managed to go through the Gastrointestinal and Cardiorespiratory Examinations, which form our OSCE examinable material. All in all, a day well spent indeed. That's all for today, and thanks for reading. Have a nice day, cheers!

Throwback to when Jason decided to cartoonise us all
(ahead of the MMII Time Bomb Event ^^)

My lunch dad

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