Sunday 2 April 2017

DAY 213

Apr 2

1) Today has been a major recovery day for me. Following a long day the night before, this was the time to rest and recuperate. And what better way to do that than by going to the library first thing in the morning? XD

2) I still had two more sections to cover for the histology quiz on Tuesday. So the entire morning and afternoon was dedicated to finishing off the remaining parts. Thankfully, by evening I had completely finished the required material. The only problem was, now I couldn't remember what I had studied a couple of days back! It's quite common really, to forget stuff that we once knew because there's newer stuff entering our brain.

3) Anyway, I have one and a half days more to revise that which I have already studied, to make doubly sure that I've covered everything. Out of all this though, there are two positives that have really lifted up my spirits - the increasing temperature, plus the fact that time is passing really quickly, and soon it'll be the summer break!

4) The end of this semester would unofficially mark our first year at RCSI. Each academic year is broken into two semesters, so on completion of Junior Cycle 2 (JC2) we'll be considered second year students, next semester. I can't wait to make new friends with the first year students, and introduce them to a whole new experience of life. And on that note, I'll end my blog there today. Thanks/domo arigato/nandri/terima kasih/merci beaucoup/muchas gracias/danke schon/daedanhi gamsahamnida/xie xie/do ze/go raibh maith agat as always for reading. Cheers!

Left entrance, first floor middle and right window is where I currently reside

My trusty notebook 
(considering it survived splashes of water, it truly is a rugged one ^^)


Pasta carbonara for dinner

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