Tuesday 11 April 2017

DAY 222

Apr 11

1) Today was the last day of our lectures. After this, it's full revision mode until our end-of-semester exams. So as usual, I woke up early, just in time for the anatomy lecture at 9.00am. After anatomy lectures and the subsequent practicals, I returned to my "second home" - my library, for the rest of the afternoon.

2) In the evening, I went to RCSI for the Art Exhibition, organised by the Art Society. It was extremely exciting seeing so many art pieces on display, and such talent from the medical students! In all honesty, some of these paintings could have easily passed for a professional's work. There was a small reception at the atrium, where the exhibition was held.

3) Afterward, the Art Society had their Annual General Meeting (AGM), which I didn't attend because I had to come back early. I guess it's back to studying then, for the rest of the evening. At least we have time off for revision, so I'm just going to hope that's enough. That would be the end of my day, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Have a great day, cheers!

Group photo after last lecture of JC2 ^^

Art exhibition :D

My baby

Food galore

Amor aeternus

Amici aeterni (okay, that's enough Latin for a day)

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