Wednesday 19 April 2017

DAY 230

Apr 19

1) Today has been a long day in the library. As exams approach ever so closer, I'm afraid there is not much activity going on for me, other than me trying to study whatever I can. Thus, I envision my blogs getting shorter for the exam period.

2) As for my day today, it was well spent in the library. I came over to the library before 9.00am, and I've stayed there since. Of course, I'm not studying all the time, rather, doing all that needs to be done there. Things I've noticed so far - the library's getting more crowded. There are now more waste disposal bins lying around. I think they learned their lesson from the Easter Day clean up haha.

3) In the evening, I went over to Dunnes to get more groceries for the week. I was up all night cooking yesterday, which is why I was feeling quite sleepy in the afternoon. At least I have meals for the rest of the week. The last thing I want to do is worry about what to have during exam periods. In just four days, our first exams will commence, which will mark the beginning of a long, long race to the finish (our exams end May 13th). At the very least, we end our semester earlier compared to our friends at UCD.

4) But they start their exams a lot later than us too. So I guess it evens out a little bit. I frequently wonder how I'd find life in UCD? Especially the syllabus and the projects involved. Anyway, that's all for my blog today. I've to get cracking with my studies haha. Thanks very much for reading, and have a great day. Cheers!

Mercer Library - my first home in Dublin

The product of my late night cooking yesterday

My dinner - chicken fillet roll  ^^

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