Saturday 15 April 2017

DAY 226

Apr 15

1) Today was another long day for me in the library. As usual, I went to the library right after my breakfast, It was time for study, and so I focused on anatomy. At this point, I would rather the exams just come a little quicker, so that I can focus on one particular module. As it is, I'm not sure where to begin, and what to study haha. So I'm just going with whatever catches my fancy, which happens to be anatomy.

2) The cafeteria and toilets have run out of tissue paper, which is a shame. On top of that, the waste disposal bins have not been properly emptied for the past couple of days, which means they are now overflowing with garbage. Hopefully, this problem will be rectified soon, and we can all go back to our daily routines.

3) I have not enough content for my blog today, so I'm going to tell you something really funny that happened during our last Card Signing. So the examiner asks Student A, "What is the embryological remnant of the falciform ligament (of the liver)?" to which she replies, "The umbilical vein." The examiner continues, "So which one?"At this, the student hesitates. "Right. Ugh... left."

4) So now the examiner turns to Student B and asks, "Was she (Student A) wise in changing her decision?" Student B replies, "Yes." The examiner then asks, "Why do you think so?" "Because when are you are wrong, you should change your decision," comes the answer. At this point, even the examiner, who is usually a really strict guy(he works in the A & E department), can't help but stifle a laugh. The rest of us burst into laughter, and the mood is lightened for the rest of the test.

5) If you didn't get the joke, or didn't find it funny, that's fine. I'll put it down as my current mental state, that I'd find something like that worth laughing at. And to explain the joke a bit, the falciform ligament is attached to the liver, which is on the right side of the body. So he thought the student would answer right umbilical vein instead of left. But in this case, the student was right. Right about it being left. Okay, I have to stop before I further confuse everyone. Bottom line - the answer is left umbilical vein as the right regresses.

6) That's all for my painfully uneventful day today, but at least I reinforced one part of my anatomy, while hopefully entertaining you with a story. Thanks very much for reading as always, and have a great day. Cheers!

Flowers blooming in spring - a sight for sore eyes ^^

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Random pic of lunch

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