Thursday 1 June 2017

DAY 272

May 31

1) Today we return from Zadar, Croatia to Dublin. It has been a thoroughly enjoyable 16 days, with great food, awesome weather, and even better company. Some of my friends ask me why I take so many pictures, and sort of miss out on experiencing the moment? My answer is simple - I do it for the memories. Twenty years down the road, I will look back at all these pics that I took and relive the experience in my mind.

2) Anyway, we started the day by finishing packing, then going to the bakery opposite our house to stock up on food for breakfast and lunch. Next, we went to the designated pick up point, where our pre-booked taxi would bring us to the airport. There was a bit of tension when the taxi did not arrive until 10 minutes later, since we needed to check in luggage before the gate closed.

3) Luckily, the taxis arrived eventually, and brought us to Zadar Airport in time to check in. We found out later that our flight had been delayed by about 45 minutes. So we sat and waited. It was a three hour flight back to Dublin. Once we touched down, we were greeted by cool weather (seriously, does Dublin EVER get hot?!)

4) From there, we checked out and went our separate ways. I boarded the Bus no. 16 back to RCSI, where I spent some time at the library. For dinner, I went over to Wok In, where I had the duck noodles. It felt so good to taste something Asian after a continuous diet of sausages and bread XD. Anyway, I packed up early and returned home. That concludes our 15 day trip across three countries, and tomorrow things get back to usual. Thanks for reading as usual, and have a nice day. Cheers!

Final group selfie before parting :'(

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