Thursday 22 June 2017

DAY 293/294

Jun 21 & 22

1) In the previous blog update I mentioned that we would conduct mass spectrometry to determine the identity of the second product that we created in the labs. So at 8.30am, Donal and I went over to York House, where he showed me how to use the mass spectrometer. After some initial dry runs, we inserted the sample into the machine and obtained the reading. Unfortunately, they did not match the product that we were looking for, much to our dismay.

2) So it was back to the drawing board. This time, I repeated the experiment, but followed an earlier (and similar) experiment carried out by Donal. We were half way through refluxing when we noticed something different about the DCM (dichloromethane/ methylene chloride) solution we were using. Strong hints of acetone were detected, suggesting that there were impurities present. This may have accounted for the change in mass spectra that we observed earlier in the morning. A quick TLC (thin layer chromatography) check confirmed that the product was indeed different, and hence we would have to (once again!) redo the experiment.

3) So I set up the experiment once more, making doubly sure to replace the tainted DCM solution with a fresh batch. We left the solution on low heat and reflux throughout the night. This morning, Donal had to present a research paper at DCU (Dublin City University), so I came alone to the labs to turn off the heating and carry out another TLC. This time things look a lot more positive. Hopefully our product will turn out fine, and we can proceed to the next step, which is to synthesize Deferasirox (DFX) from the two products that we have made.

4) In the afternoon, I went for my appointment with the Dublin School of Barbering, which offers free haircuts by their student barbers. To be honest, their quality is really good, and I can't really tell the difference haha. Anyway, I've spent the rest of the day back home, just contemplating life and wondering how to get everything packed up... That was today's blog update, and I hope you enjoyed it. Have a lovely day and thanks very much for visiting. Cheers!

That's a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) instrument, used to determine the physical and chemical properties of atoms or the molecules in which they are contained.

That's me after getting a haircut 
(unfortunately there's no me before getting a haircut XD)

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