Tuesday 20 June 2017

DAY 290/291/292

Jun 18/19/20

1) These past few days have seen me really busy. I very mistakenly thought that I had two things coming up this Friday - the Antibiotics Resistance Debate, and the Hiking Trip to Mt. Brandon. It turns out both of these are happening only next month! At least I've prepared for them, if a little prematurely. Instead, this Friday we have a talk on "Presenting Your Research" by Mr. Eric Clarke. This is part of the Friday Discovery Series 2017.

2) Up till today, we've carried out three experiments in the Apjohn Chemistry Lab. These experiments are those which I'll have to write an abstract about - they're many other experiments which I helped out but which are not part of my research. By yesterday evening, we had managed to synthesize our second product. However, after NMR spectroscopy today, we can't confirm 100% if we've got the correct product or not. So tomorrow we'll be heading to York House to use the mass spectrometer to ascertain once and for all the identity of our product. If it's a no go then it'll be back to square one haha.

3) Today has been a particular fruitful day as I managed to finish off the rest of the steps for the manufacture of the products. The reason I'm being vague by calling them products and not their full name is because their names are very very long. Anyway, I spent some time at night reading up articles on how to synthesize them and also the methods and techniques used. Hopefully once they are all ready, we can start forming complexes with bismuth to create antimicrobials/ antibiotics which are effective. But that's a long way to go. Until then, thanks for reading, and have a great day. Cheers!

Another interesting day in the labs :)

Yes, that is just ONE experiment 
(to produce just one out of many reactants that will be used in the bismuth-iron chelator complex)

Pesto pasta @ AK. Henry ^^

Nothing beats a Subway cookie... except TWO Subway cookies XD

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