Sunday 4 June 2017

DAY 276

Jun 4

1) As the holidays progress and I get lazier, there's much less stuff for me to write about, as there's much less stuff that I do. So instead, perhaps I'll share something different with you today. I'll tell you about the things that I like about Dublin (and contrast them with my experience in other countries).

2) First off, friendliness. I'll admit, when I first heard from seniors that the Irish are extremely friendly, I thought they were exaggerating. But after two experiences on my own (the first being when I was running to catch the last train home from Cork, and the second when I got lost in Phoenix Park during the Purple Run Volunteering Event), I definitely agree with them. The only country that I consider on par with this level of friendliness is Japan.

3) Next, safety. Of course, there are exceptions to this and touchwood, I've been very lucky not to encounter any dangerous i.e. confrontational situations. But for the most part, Dublin is definitely a safe place to be. I actually do not feel unsafe walking back in the wee hours of the morning from the library back home. Even those that have had a little bit too much to drink, are generally (again, touchwood here) non-violent and will not confront you unless you provoke them first.

4) Lastly, and this is the best of them all - free hair cuts. I know this concept exists in the UK as well, but back home (in Malaysia), you can dream on about barber shops offering free haircut service. But here in Ireland, expert student trainee barbers will do your hair for free, and even thank you  for the opportunity to cut your hair! I don't think it gets much better than that. Especially given that I can't really tell the difference between a paid for haircut and a free one.

5) So that's that. Several things that I simply adore about Dublin (or at least the location I'm staying at right now). What do you guys think? Anything I missed out, or disagree with? Let me know by commenting on the Facebook page haha. That's the end of my blog today, and hopefully you enjoyed it. Have a nice day, cheers!

Yes, I signed a deal with Subway to advertise their products 
in exchange for free Subway sandwiches all year around XD

Throwback to when I was still on holiday mood ^^

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