Wednesday 7 June 2017

DAY 279

Jun 7

1) Today was the second day of our Skills Workshop Programme. Most of my friends start their various research projects tomorrow, but as for me, I'm starting next Monday because my Principal Investigator is in France for a conference.

2) So our day started with a lecture on Clinical Study Design, by Dr. Lisa Mellon. Next, Ms Deidre Hyland gave a speech entitled "Introduction to Clinical Research". After a short break, it was the main event of the day: the announcement of the RCSI Student Innovation Challenge. Professor Leonie Young, Dr. Emer Reeves, Dr. Sam Anya, Dr. Oran Kennedy, Dr. Helen French, and Dr. Tobias Engel came up to stage to talk about their respective fields of research, and ultimately each of them stated their problem for us students to come up with a solution. This is part of the challenge, and we will be broken up into groups on the competition day itself (June 13) to be given a chance to present our discussion to a panel of judges.

3) Before lunch, Dr. Sara ONeill gave a brief talk on the RSS Programme thus far. Then it was off to lunch, and I had mine at AK Henry's. Our next three speakers: Dr. Tomas Carroll, Ms Rachel Lynch, and Dr. Derick Mitchell were invited to talk on Public Patient Involvement and Research. Finally, we had our last workshop for the day, Patient-Centred Research: Logistical and Ethical Issues by Ms. Louise Keating.

4) Today we made some new friends from Hoshi University, Japan. Erika and Shiori are exchange students who will be spending their summer doing research here. This is part of the partnership that RCSI enjoys with Hoshi University (Japan) and Soochow University (China). For those who know me best, can probably guess that I will jump at the opportunity to do an exchange programme in Japan haha. Unfortunately, the programme is not open to first year students so I couldn't apply last year. But this year (next academic year) I definitely intend to do so :D

5) It has been an exciting two days of lectures and workshops, and it has opened my eyes to the world of research. I hope to begin research as soon as possible, and aspire to contribute in any small but meaningful way that I can. That's basically all for today, and thanks for reading as always. Have a great day, cheers!

ようこそアイルランドへ ~~
(Welcome to Ireland ^^)

My €3.50 baguette at AK Henry's ^^

Returned from lunch to see this

A close up of what it said

Shiori and Erika from Hoshi University

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