Saturday 10 June 2017

DAY 282

Jun 10

1) Today has been a relaxing day for me. For the most part, I was just sitting in front of the computer, looking for material to use for the next debate - Are We on the Brink of an Antibiotic Apocalypse? It is a friendly debate among the summer research students, and I'm presenting for the motion. I still am not completely sure of the rules, but that will be sorted out soon enough.

2) I received an email notifying me of the closure of Mercer Library this Sunday (June 11). It will be reopened somewhere in July, but at the new academic building and not at Mercer Court. I don't expect people to understand, but the library means a lot to me personally. I spent entire days at the library, studying, microwaving my meals, relaxing and doing my blogs here. I met all my friends who lived at Mercer here too, and we sometimes chatted in the lounge. Losing that is like losing my second home, and here's hoping the new library (three tier) would be even grander :)

3) In the afternoon, I had a short nap. Afterwards, I went for my evening run. Since I had exerted yesterday, I took it easy today and did a relaxing 5km. As I went to buy dinner, there was a street performance on Grafton Street. This guy lit a bar on fire before doing the limbo under it. This was met with great applause, and many people pulled out their cameras and so did I. He kept lowering the bar until it was barely a foot and a half high.

4) The show ended with him successfully shimmying under the bar on fire. I carried on with getting dinner, before coming back home to enjoy. That has been the gist of my day, and thanks for reading as always. Have a nice day, cheers!

Grafton St today ^^



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