Friday 9 June 2017

DAY 281

Jun 9

1) Today has been another splendid day for me. For one, I unexpectedly got a free meal and T-shirt from Boojum! I was browsing the Internet when I something caught my eye. Apparently, to mark the new unveiling of another Boojum (at Mespil Road), they were giving away a free burrito and T-shirt to the first 200 customers! Opportunity doesn't come knocking twice, so they say.

2) I hurriedly walked over to the location (which luck would have it, was only 5 minutes away) and waited. There was already a group of students waiting, so I waited along with them. At around 11.30am, the door was open and we were invited in. I had my usual burrito bowl and chose the M-size black tee. It looks really cool :D

3) The rest of my day has been equally nice. In the afternoon, I had a nice long chat with my parents. Then later in the evening, I went out for my customary run at St. Stephen's Green. I figured since I no longer have the stamina that I once had, I would just take it easy. Ended up covering 8.67km, a far cry of what I used to be able to do haha. At least, it is progress all the same, so I'll try to improve on it in the months leading up to my marathon.

4) Bought back dinner from Subway, and the spent the rest of the night relaxing and finishing up my blog. It has been a beautiful day for me, and hopefully it has also been the same for you. Thanks for reading, and have a nice day. Cheers!

Making some friends along the way :D

The all-new Boojum on Mespil Road

The queue literally extended all the way over to the end of the street

My free meal ^^

Boojum T-shirt :)

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