Friday 2 June 2017

DAY 274

Jun 2

1) These few days are going to be the most relaxing days for me in a long time. Waking up super late, plus having virtually nothing to do the whole day. Of course, when there's nothing to do, it's only natural to find something to do haha. So I've been cleaning up some of the mess in my room, in preparation for my shifting houses come next month.

2) Not much else to mention for the rest of the day. I was preoccupied catching up with YouTube videos for the most part. Finished watching the two big Tekken 7 competitions (Combo Breaker and Collision) on YouTube. For the uninitiated, Tekken is a fighting game series which I've taken a lot of interest in, and have been an active player back when I was younger (and addicted to gaming XD).

3) In the evening, Zi Yan came over to copy some of my phone camera pics into his Hard Drive. Shortly after he left, I decided I'd begin training for my marathon this October. Did an easy 4km this evening, and here's hoping I'll have enough reserve to complete the full 42km when the time comes. Bought dinner at Subway after the run, and took it back home to enjoy. The rest of the night I've just been listening to nice songs, and reading up a bit on the research project. That's all for my day, and hope you enjoyed reading. Have a great day, cheers!

My cluttered bedside:
(that's my Ventolin inhaler on the left, and a Kawaski rose on the right, sitting on top of my Dublin Marathon acceptance slip)

I was cooking yesterday ^^

A nice meal after my run

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