Saturday 17 June 2017

DAY 289

Jun 17

1) Today has been a rather mundane day for me, so I'll keep it short. Got up late today, and then made a list of things to do for the rest of the day. I still have much packing to do, as I'll be shifting soon. Also, I have to finish preparing my points and memorising the "Antibiotics Resistance" debate speech. On the same day after the debate ends, I'll be packing up and heading to Co Kerry to climb Mt. Brandon, as part of the expedition organised by the RCSI Climbing and Mountaineering Society. I can't wait ^^

2) In the afternoon, I was chatting with my parents for a while, before taking a nap. Woke up refreshed, and decided to go for a jog. I haven't jogged these past few days (due to various circumstances) so I did not expect to complete 15km today. My legs were burning after exercise, but it was an awesome feeling to slowly return to my *cough* fitter *cough* past self. I used to run 21km (a half marathon) every Sunday together with my dad. Those were some great times, but sadly inactivity and other commitments have meant a steady decline in my stamina. Hopefully I'll be able to build it back in time for the SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon.

3) In the evening, Zi Yan came over for a visit, and we watched a movie together. We initially wanted to watch "Logan" but after the connection failed a couple of times, we opted for "The Mummy" instead. The quality wasn't great, but at least it was an enjoyable movie. Zi Yan asked me if I'd be able to sleep after watching it (admittedly I'm not particularly fond of any horror-type movies), but I suppose my workout today will offset any difficulties in sleeping from watching the movie haha. That has been my day, and this blog update turned out to be longer than I thought.

4) I'd thought it'd be best to end on a high note. So here goes: Happy Father's Day! To all the fathers in this world, and especially to my own dad. Thanks for looking out for me, tolerating all my shenanigans, and assisting me in every way possible. And thanks everyone for reading this. Have a great weekend, cheers!

Happy Father's Day!!

Another street performance at Grafton St.

Tried Yum Thai Noodle Shop for a change :))

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