Saturday 3 June 2017

DAY 275

Jun 3

1) Today has been a largely uneventful day, thanks mostly due to my own tardiness. I woke up late as usual, and went down for breakfast. Continued to tidy up my room as much as possible, until lunch time.

2) In the afternoon, I went over to the library to meet my friends. We took some time to calculate how much to pay each other for our long holiday together. Glad to say that everything is officially sorted out. My friends stayed back at the library, while I went over to Argos (at St. Stephen's Green Shopping Centre) to buy a portable hard drive.

3) My dad had recommended me a cheap 1TB hard drive for €64, so that was what I got. I've used it to store all the photos and videos from the trip, in order to free up space in my Mac. As it was still drizzling outside, I decided against going for my run today. Perhaps tomorrow then... XD

4) I had my dinner at Boojum again. Returned to my apartment for the rest of the night. I discovered (quite by accident) that the 2nd season of the "Attack on Titan" anime had already been uploaded. Cue binge watching haha. In all seriousness, I've finished half of it already so I need to start rationing or I'd finish too early. Anyway, that was my rather boring day, but I hope you enjoyed reading about it anyway. Have a nice day, cheers!

At Boojum today ^^

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