Friday 9 June 2017

DAY 280

Jun 8

1) Today has been a nerve wrecking day for me. We had been informed that our results would be released somewhere around this week, so wait we did, for most of the week. Then, two days back, we received notification that our results would only be released at the end of the week. Not counting the weekends, that meant that we would get it by Thursday or Friday.

2) I, for one, was quite concerned with my results as I felt there were one or two papers that I did poorly in. And the last thing I (or anybody, for that matter) wanted was to have to take the supplemental paper later next month. So you can imagine the anticipation that had built up, right until this morning when I refreshed my email list (for the umpteenth time) and saw the message pop up that our results were out.

3) By the skin of my teeth, I managed to obtain First Class Honours. It's definitely a wake up call to focus more on my studies, and not to get caught up in so many activities for the next academic year. Anyway, I have three months to contemplate how I'm going to balance my studies with other activities haha.

4) My research begins this Monday, so I'm definitely looking forward to it. The following nights I'll sleep that much more soundly now that I've finally gotten my results. To all my friends at RCSI who are reading this now, firstly thanks for visiting my blog - I really appreciate the support and love - and secondly, I hope you got the results that you were hoping for. For those who haven't got their results, all the best! That's been my day today, and thanks for reading. Cheers!

Congratzz to all the graduating students from RCSI :D

It has become customary for me to have a nice cup of Nescafe at night haha

Dinner from Pablo Picante ^^

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