Wednesday 14 September 2016

DAY 13

Sept 14

1) Today was a longggg day. Woke up for breakfast as usual, and then went early to RCSI for a little tour. Went to the Board Room at the top floor, which had a beautiful grand piano. Too bad I didn't get a chance to play though, since a lecture was going on in the adjacent room. Met up with my friends for lunch, and then it was non-stop lectures until the evening.

2) Had lunch at AK. Henry's as usual. Tried the sandwiches, which were really good and filling for a €3.50 meal. Today we were introduced to two new lecturers for the "Fundamentals in Biomedicine" module. The lectures were chalk full of information, which means I have to do a lot of extra studying to catch up haha. So much for the holidays then...

3) After lectures, went out to have ice-cream with friends at Gino's Gelato. It has hands down some of the best ice cream I have ever tried. I sampled the Belgian Chocolate and Brownie ice cream. Simply heavenly!

4) Came home for dinner. Quickly heated up the frozen dinner I bought at Mark & Spencer the other day. Topped it off with an orange for good measure. After this, it will be revision for the lessons today and upcoming lectures. Next week we will be broken into groups for anatomy and clinical practice. Can't wait for that haha. Anyways, here's me half the world away, wishing you goodnight and till next time!

The Board Room in all its splendor

Grand piano!!

Gino's Gelato at Grafton Street 

 Chicken korma and pilau rice for dinner, plus huge orange for dessert

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