Sunday 25 September 2016

DAY 23

Sept 24

1) Today was a rainy day. Woke up to have some peanut cookies for breakfast, before trying to cover some of next week's lecture notes. Had an early lunch because there was badminton later in the afternoon. For lunch, I opened up the tin of tomato paste, so I could create spaghetti with minced meat bolognese. Worked pretty well I reckon, and only my opinion counts for this haha.

2) After lunch, waited for a while before suiting up for badminton, at Archbishop Byrne Hall. Turns out it is so much closer from my residence to the venue than from RCSI. It was raining a bit when I left, but thankfully nothing heavy; just a light drizzle. Badminton session commenced from 1-4 p.m. I partnered a friend, Andrew, a local here. We had a ball of a time, chatting in between matches as we let the others play as well.

3) Came back, got myself cleaned up, and prepared dinner. Tonight I would be having rice, with minced meat and mixed vegetables in a tomato sauce. Now you, the reader, know to what length I go to cut costs haha. Anyway, the food tasted delicious, so I won't complain. Ate an orange afterward because, digestion. Continued studying and covering lectures, until 9 plus.

4) Walked down to Mercer's to meet up with friends. We were going to watch a movie, called Tangled. I'm sure most of you reading this will have seen it, but I have not. It was not too bad, although if I'm honest, I prefer hand drawn animations better. But to each their own, I guess. So after that, returned home to my trusty laptop. Tomorrow promises to be a breath of fresh air, and I for one can't wait for it! Thank you for reading and have yourself a pleasant evening!

Spaghetti bolognese a la Kevin XD

Free banana after badminton session

Dinner - unusually filling and wholesome!

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