Saturday 10 September 2016


Sept 9

1) Today was a typical day of sorts. We had lectures from 1-5. Woke up early to have cookies for breakfast, before studying the lecture notes for the day. It's amazing how much information you can glean from Google. No one textbook or compilation of notes can replace what can be Googled in an instant.

2) Finished studying, met up an hour before lectures at RCSI with my buddies to have lunch, at AK Henry's. Food there is really cheap and filling, usually €5.95 for the non-vegetarian meal or €3.95 for the vegetarian one. A good meal really helps get the noggin' workin' haha.

3) Attended lectures for four hours straight. Towards the last lecture I was really struggling to pay attention. The lecturer's monotonous voice, coupled with her constant murmuring, certainly did not help either.

4) Forwent dinner, to play badminton at a hall called Archbishop Bryne's Hall or something. Around 15 minutes walk from RCSI. There were easily around 30 of us, having to share only three courts for badminton, so it was really packed!

5) After 3 hours of intense workout, we called it a day. Went back to RCSI to get my bag from the locker, before walking all the way back to Leeson Street Lower, where I had a lovely frozen dinner prepared by my housemate's mum. That has been my day; it has been great, and I hope all of you have a great one too. Cheerios!

My locker, with bag for badminton later in the evening

With my newfound badminton buddies!

Traditional food from Cyprus, according to my housemate's mum. Thanks so much, auntie! 

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