Saturday 17 September 2016

DAY 15

Sept 16

1) Today was an extremely enjoyable day! Woke up early and went for a jog at St. Stephen's Green park. The weather in the morning is rather chilly, so I had my jacket on just in case. Managed to hit 10km this time around. Came back for breakfast before going out with my friend to buy some much needed groceries.

2) For lunch, I finally mustered up enough energy to make chicken rendang and steamed broccoli with rice. It took me a really long time to prepare, but the food tasted really nice (in my possibly biased opinion haha). However, I couldn't finish the rendang and decided to save some for dinner.

3) Come dinner time, I invited a friend over to sample some of my rendang. I had the last of my frozen dinners too. After that, many of us wanted to go for Cultural Night which was held throughout Ireland. So I decided I would join in as well.

4) Came back at around 10p.m. but decided to watch a movie anyway with my friends at Mercer. First time staying up late to watch movies with friends. The movie (Zootopia) wasn't bad either haha. By the time it finished, it was really quite late, so I quickly went home to have my bath. That is all for tonight, and I will leave the pictures to do the rest of the storytelling. Cheers!

At the butcher's for chicken (€0.80 a portion)

My home-cooked chicken rendang, with potatoes and onions

My very own broccoli with minced meat bolognese 

My last frozen dinner, bought from Mark & Spencer

My friend, Kuhan, who very generously offered his services to 
help finish the rendang curry

At entrance of Dublin Castle, which was absolutely F.O.C. tonight!

Dublin Castle

A live performance at Dublin Castle

Group selfie! :D

The world famous Book of Kells, very unfortunately not open
for viewing by the time we reached there...

The Sphere with Sphere art sculpture, by Arnaldo Pomodoro

At Mercer Court, after watching the movie "Zootopia"

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