Saturday 10 September 2016


Sept 10

1) Today woke up early to do the groceries. Was planning to get a new printer, so Nee Kee and I went to Argos at Dunnes to get the HP DeskJet 2132 All-In-One Printer, only to find out they were out of stock. The service department referred us to another branch at Jervis, which was across the bridge! Too bad, then. So we walked all the way there. At Jervis, they told us there was only one printer left, and redirected us to Argos at Ilac, just down the block. What luck!

2) Finally purchased the printers, before heading back to Dunnes to do my shopping for the week. Had a nice frozen meal for lunch at Mercer's, and then went home to dress up for the Meet and Greet session at the Malaysian Embassy in Ireland at 3pm.

3) The event comprised a series of long speeches by some big shots, followed by student representatives from the various institutions in Ireland. If I am completely honest, it was not what I had in mind. But anyways, we each got a packet of "nasi lemak" after the lectures, so I guess that made up for it. My friends and I accompanied me back to the apartment, where we had for dinner, what was supposed to have been lunch.

4) Not feeling completely full, I decided to cook some spaghetti for the night. So I prepared the pasta, boiled the broccoli and made the sauce. As you can see from the pictures below, not the prettiest meal ever, but still palatable I guess haha. Finally got the printer to work after a long battle, and now I'm here typing this out. That's all for today, and from me in Dublin, have a great night!

Jervis at Henry Street

A frozen chicken meal for lunch, at only €3.25!

At the Embassy of Malaysia in Ireland

My special spaghetti carbonara with broccoli

My new printer/ scanner, along with study lamp and laptop

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