Sunday 18 September 2016

DAY 17

Sept 18

1) Today was an uneventful day for me. Woke up in the morning to jog at St. Stephen's Green. In case it wasn't already clear enough, I take my running really seriously. Came back to have breakfast and found out that my milk, for some strange reason, had gone bad. This is the second time my milk has spoiled long before the expiry date! Perhaps I should consider getting fresh juice or something else next time.

2) I was preparing to purchase medical insurance online, which is essential if I'm to apply for Garda Vetting. The cheapest one I could find was O'Driscoll O'Neil Insurance, for €120 per annum. I was filling up the form with a friend, when we discovered the cover start date. Not knowing which date was appropriate, we had to put the purchase on hold while we ask the students' services at RCSI tomorrow.

3) For lunch, I cooked rice, fried two eggs and opened a can of soup. I wanted to use minced meat for my eggs to make a nice omelette, but tragedy struck. Since I could not wait for the frozen meat to thaw, I decided to cut through it with a knife anyways. Managed to poke myself in the thumb. That's awesome, I thought. Still had the eggs to fry and soup to heat up, and blood was oozing out of the open wound. Luckily, I pressed really hard with my other fingers on my thumb, while using my right hand to do the cooking. Food turned out pretty good, if I may say so myself. Don't ask me about the washing up though.

4) All afternoon, I was doing one of three things: a) studying, b) listening to good songs, and c) lazing in bed. For dinner, I still had some spaghetti left so why not? Everything was routine until I discovered some black pieces floating about in the water I used for cooking my pasta. It turns out the pan I used was worn out and the black pieces were actually bits of carbon! Thankfully they were so minuscule that I decided I'd serve the spaghetti anyway and be done with the pan for good. Overall the pasta still tasted the same, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed I won't get sick the next day.

5) I already mentioned today was boring. After dinner, went back to my room to continue studying and browsing the Internet. Tomorrow promises to be much more eventful, and I can't wait for it! Thank you and goodnight!

My lunch, simple but actually really good

Beef and vegetable soup

Dinner is served! :D

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