Monday 26 September 2016

DAY 25

Sept 26

1) Today was our first lesson at 8 a.m. Back in Malaysia, I had no problem waking up early for school and would usually arrive before 7 a.m. But here, where the weather is cold, and the wind chilly, it's hard to find the strength to even crawl out of bed! Anyway, still made it in time for the first lecture on arteries and veins. Immediately after that was an hour break, so some of us went to the tutorial room to study, After that was the programme called "Passport for Success". Fancy name, but all they talked about today was on addiction and stimulants, and how to overcome them.

2) Two more lectures after that and that was it for today! For lunch, I dropped by at Mercer to meet Stephanie and Nee Kee, who had batch cooked some stuffed chicken and veggies. I won't lie - it tasted really good! After a really pleasant meal, I went to Meteor (a phone company) to buy a SIM Card. It cost me €10 and in my opinion, is a much better deal than the current €20-a-month plan that I'm using. Came back home, inserted SIM Card and changed my phone number. I'm glad to save €10 a month in this manner.

3) Not long after, went to RCSI again for table tennis, where I was taught how to play properly by one of the society members. It is really fun! Stopped halfway to attend the Meet and Greet session for the Art Society, where there was free pizza! The pizza went by sooo fast, and I only got a slice. So me and my friends made a trip to McDonald's, where they have some seriously cost-friendly deals. I had the €2.00 double cheeseburger, and it was awesome. Maybe it was just the cold or something haha. Spent some time chatting with each other, before calling it a day.

4) Walked back home myself as usual, and spent some time filling this post with some (hopefully) meaningful words. I'm sleep deprived, PLUS classes start at 9 p.m., so I'm ending on this note. Thanks my faithful readers for reading, and goodnight!

Stuffed chicken with sauteed broccoli
(Credits to Nee Kee for the meal!)

My slice of pizza at the student lounge

The lounge

Double cheeseburger for only €2!
Now that's a value deal!

From l-r: Me, Hong, Esther, Aysha
at McD

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