Wednesday 28 September 2016

DAY 27

Sept 28

1) Today was a sunny day. Woke up early, to complete my pilgrimage to St. Stephen's Green for my morning jog. I finally managed to dip under an hour for eight large rounds at the park. Came back for some cereal, before starting my daily routine of playing catch up with my lecture notes.

2) Made lunch slightly earlier, since I was planning to use the lunch time afterward to seek assistance for my phone. Hurried to finish washing up, and got myself ready for the first lecture today. With the first lecture done, I went over to Meteor to ask why I couldn't use the mobile data despite topping up €10 just two days back. After much talking, we finally managed to sort it out, and now my mobile data is available again.

3) Then it was back to lectures, including our first healthcare symposia, where a patient would present their story and we would learn to take down notes. They spoke really quickly and with a strong accent, so that it was not easy to pick up what they had to say. Anyways, we still tried our best. It was certainly interesting though, to listen to them explaining about their problems (in this case, arthritis) and how they learned to cope with it.

4) Back home, I prepared dinner as usual. Finished the last of my minced meat, which is great, since the expiry date was yesterday... Anyway, I still have a frozen dinner which I can reheat for tomorrow, so I'm still covered. Took a quick nap, before waking up rejuvenated, and proceeded to type this out. That's all the time I have, and thank you for reading. Bye!

Spaghetti for lunch

My room, which I share with my roommate 
from Myanmar

Bon apetit!

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