Thursday 22 September 2016

DAY 21

Sept 22

1) Today started off with me waking up at 7 a.m. sharp. Touch wood I have able to wake up punctually without the aid of an alarm clock, and hopefully will be able to keep doing so. Donned my pair of jogging shoes and left to jog at St. Stephen's Green. This morning was really quite chilly, to the extent that your fingers and ears would start to ache. *Thankfully* the cold receptors in my body have been completely destroyed, so I don't feel cold in my extremities anymore.

2) There was a photoshoot for the scholarship recipients today. Reached RCSI at 10.15 a.m. and had to wait a while before we were greeted by Ms. Flavia, along with the photographer for the day. They brought us to a studio where we posed for the university magazine! It was indeed an honour to have our photos taken, as well as to contribute a short testimonial on life in Ireland as a scholar.

3) With that taken care of, I made my way to the Students' Services to pick up my hoodie. It cost me €25. Worth it, since I only have one hoodie and winter is fast approaching.  I then paid Dunnes a visit to do more grocery shopping for next week. Came back at 12, just in time to meet up with my friends for lunch at - where else - AK. Henry's. Today's meal was a little more expensive, since I chose the beef bourguignon instead of the vegetarian option.

4) Carried all my stuff back home, and proceeded to plot the timetable for my meals for each week. I finally settled on what to buy and how to cook it. Hopefully things will fall into place. Anyways, in the evening there was this rock-climbing event at Stillorgan, located in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown. It was my first time using the Leap Card, taking the LUAS, as well as my first time rock-climbing. I wasn't very good at it, but I really enjoyed it a lot! It gives me newfound appreciation for the athletes I see competing in Ninja Warrior, Sasuke etc.

5) At 8.30 p.m., we finally decided to call it a day. Took the LUAS line back to RCSI, where I, as usual, walked back home alone *sobs*. Cooked dinner tonight, and came to finish my blog for today. I am both physically and mentally drained today, so I'll end on this note. Thank you and goodnight!

Scholarship recipients
From l-r: Melissa, Aisha, Me

The future doctors of our time? :D

Beef bourguignon with rice and veggies 

Posing with my new RCSI Hoodie (€25)

Taking the LUAS to Stillorgan for rock-climbing!

The Wall Climbing Gym - First time admission FOC!

Consent form before climbing

Made it!

Tagliatelle with minced beef carbonara for dinner!

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