Wednesday 21 September 2016

DAY 20

Sept 21

1) Today was a routine day. Got up to have some cookies for breakfast, before reading up on the previous day's lectures. There's just so much stuff to know, plus one more module (Introduction to Clinical Practice) to be introduced today! Oh well, I'm not complaining. As the saying goes, whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Left for lunch at AK. Henry's as usual, before going early into the lecture hall to grab a spot before lectures began.

2) Lectures were short today because a large segment, called the Passport for Success programme, had been postponed. We did, however, learn about essential clinical skills and the professionalism associated with it. Apparently, there are many aspects of Clinical Practice that we will cover, from GP visits, healthcare symposia, all the way to having to create our very own portfolio at the end of JC1 (Junior Cycle 1). Really looking forward to the Early Patients Contact programme as well.

3) After lectures ended, I decided to pay the Students' Services a visit, to see if I could purchase a souvenir from RCSI. They had a wide range of items, from ties to jackets and even hoodies. In the end, I decided on a red hoodie with the RCSI logo and name behind it, for €25. I expect to receive it by tomorrow. With everything I set out to do for the day finished, I walked back home, just in time to prepare dinner.

4) Clumsy clutz me tried to boil rice without adding water to the surrounding vessel. This had the effect of the heating element essentially heating up the metal part of the rice cooker, which would result in overheating, and ultimately damage to the cooker. Fortunately, the rice cooker automatically switched off before any real damage was done, and I was still able to cook with it. I have to be much more careful next time. Would not want to damage the beautiful kitchen for my other housemates.

5) With dinner done, and the pots and pans washed, I showered before booting the laptop up to type this. It is fast approaching 9.00 p.m. I plan to take a jog around St. Stephen's Green tomorrow, so I will be sleeping earlier than usual tonight. Anyways, thanks for reading and have a great night!

 Vegetable au gratin - €3.95
(I'm trying to increase my intake of vegetables for lunch, 
to compensate for dinner)

One of the lecture slides

Minced pork with rice, 
and consomme soup

Dunnes Stores sells some really good chicken and potage soup
I will try other flavours in the future! :)

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