Friday 18 November 2016

DAY 78

Nov 18

1) Today was a mentally draining day. Woke up for breakfast, before preparing the last of my notes for the day's Card Signing. During the first lecture, I noticed a splinter in my left hand. Luckily, after a few futile attempts of my own to remove it, my friend Stephanie offered to help and with her longer nails, managed to remove it. It felt so good haha... Attended lectures from 9.00am till noon, before heading over to Dicey's for lunch.

2) Today I tried the sirloin steak, and it was really really good! Nothing like a hearty meal before an important exam. Came back to RCSI, where there were some students from Oman who had a booth set up to celebrate their 46th National Day today! They offered everyone traditional snacks (called halwa), sweet dates, and their very own version of coffee. They even dressed me up in the traditional turban, and presented me with a lovely souvenir in the form of a badge of Oman. What a lovely group of friends!

3) Soon after that, it was time for Card Signing, so I entered the Anatomy Room. Our surgeon prosector was Mr. B. E. Lane, the first prosector we met in the Anatomy Room. My turn came soon enough, and he held nothing back, going so far as to ask me anatomy from the previous card signing. I tried my best, and in the end managed to get a B. I think it was a fair reflection of my performance, and I'll try harder next time...

4) We had two lectures after that, but my mind was already gone long before that. It was all I could do to stay awake, as the clock ticked away minute by painful minute... And then it was over, for now. I still have a Histology exam on Monday, which is worth 10 marks. I will be preparing for that soon, but right now, I need a break from all that cramming haha. Anyways, the rest of today is pretty much the same as before, so I'll just leave it as that. That's all folks, thanks for reading. Cheers!

The splinter after just after being removed
(the reddish area directly below my ring finger)

Dicey's Menu for today

Sirloin steak with pepper sauce

46th National Day for Oman!!

Me posing with a turban :D

Cake! ^^

Oman friends

Sweet dates and halwa <3

My dinner today :p
(Forgot to thaw the frozen meat today)

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