Tuesday 22 November 2016

DAY 82

Nov 22

1) Today has been a great day. Woke up early because class starts at 8.00am, before attending lectures for a bit. Interlaced with the lectures were gaps of free time, which I used to prepare for the next lecture...

2) After our second last practical (for this semester), I went out for lunch with my good friends Khee Heng and Hong Rui. Went to Dicey's as per usual, and I opted for the sweet BBQ pork chops. The taste was simple en pointe!

3) Came back to finish off the last two lectures of the day, before enjoying a short game of badminton with the others. Then, revised just a short bit more, and attended a GP Talk by the Director of the RCSI GP Training Scheme, Dr. Emma Nelson. She educated us on life as a GP in Ireland, as well as the process of applying to work as a GP there. Really informative talk, if I may so myself. And there was even free pizza and drinks after that!

4) The talk finished at around 7.30pm, and so I returned home. Had a warm shower, before proceeding to type this out. This is the last week of lectures, before revision week next week, and then it's time for our term exams. How time flies XD Anyway, thanks for reading as always, and goodnight. Cheers!

Scones for breakfast!

Menu at Dicey's ^^

Sweet BBQ Pork Chops

Dr. Emma Nelson
Director of the RCSI GP Training Scheme

5 Apache Pizza Boxes for those who attended (ignore Nee Kee's leg XD)

"You can never have too much pizza!" - Quote of the Day

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