Wednesday 30 November 2016

DAY 90

Nov 30

1) Today was another boring day for me, but the upside is my sore throat is almost completely gone! Finally can focus more on exams haha. So I got up early, had a quick breakfast (two slices of toast), and went to the library to study until noon.

2) The PMCSA Committee (which I helped out for their Farewell Dinner a couple of days back) very generously decided to treat the volunteers to a nice lunch at The Cedar Tree, a Lebanese restaurant. I had their 2-course meal, with 'hommos' as appetizer, and lamb kafta (I think) for mains, and for beverages I tried their authentic Lebanese Coffee. All in all, it was a fine meal, and vindication that the Student Association did care for its staff XD

3) Some of my friends went to "Network", a cafe selling really nice coffee. I tried the cappuccino and really enjoyed the rich, creamy taste. Unfortunately this wasn't covered so it came out of my pocket haha. Came back to study, and found the library entrance crowded with loads of people. Turned out that there were a couple of therapy dogs brought in, to help distress dog-loving medical students haha. They were so obedient and adorable...

4) After another bout of studying, I went out to dinner. Met my friend Kuhan on the way, and he introduced me to a fast food chain called Fogo's. I had their Donner Kebab for €3.99, and it was really quite filling. Came back, had a nice chat with my friend Hon Wa who's in UK now, and then typed this out. I'm feeling a lot better today, and that may explain why today's article is longer than usual. That's all for today though, and thanks for reading. Cheers!

Nothing like toast to start the day! ^^

The Cedar Tree, where we had lunch

Group photo!!

Hummus with yogurt

Lebanese Coffee (really nice)

Lamb kofta (I think haha)

Contrasty colours :D

Hahaha funny caption spotted



Doner Kebab Wrap Deal for me ^^

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