Thursday 12 January 2017

DAY 132

Jan 11

1) Today has been another typical day for me. I got up at around 9.00am, had my breakfast and packed my stuff to go to the library. I was listening to songs for a while, and after that I called Zi Yan, who had my laptop from the previous night. If you recall, I accidentally splashed water on the keyboard and now the keys were all jumbled up.

2) THANK GOD the keys were working again! It would have been such a headache to report this to the Student, Academic and Regulatory Affairs (SARA) office at RCSI. Thanked my lucky stars (not to mention Zi Yan of course) and had a very enjoyable lunch.

3) In the afternoon, I was talking with my dad for a while. Then I watched a classic Japanese movie, called "Night on the Galactic Railroad", a very thought-provoking, if rather strange, animated film. After that, I had my usual "power nap", before waking up and surfing the Internet.

4) For dinner, I had my usual "oyakodon" rice, before looking through anatomy for the next semester. I covered most of the bones already, from the pelvis to all the leg bones. I still have a lot more to read up on though haha. Had some cookies, an orange and some coffee for supper, before calling it a day. Packed my stuff up, and returned home to cap another day in paradise (so to speak ^^) for me. Thanks for reading and have a great day, cheers!

Toast is great! #toast4lyfe

Dunnes pizza for lunch 
(I'll mix it up tomorrow I promise ^^)

My very own oyakodon

That's the stuff we do as medical students haha

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