Thursday, 26 January 2017

DAY 147

Jan 26

1) Today was a holiday for us! I still had one class in the afternoon, but that was on library and retrieval skills so it doesn't count. Woke up late today (8.00am is late for me in winter haha), went downstairs to make breakfast and to pack my meals, before walking to the library. Basically I revised anatomy for the whole morning and part of the afternoon.

2) I paused for a short break to have my lunch and to unwind. Then it was another bout of studying, making notes and trying to condense as much info as possible into my brain. At 2.00pm, some of us had to attend the small group tutorial, in which they taught us how to use the RCSI Website to search for journals and how to cite and reference them. It was really helpful, especially considering we have an individual and team project coming up.

3) A bit more studying afterwards, and it was evening. Decided I'd take a break from study, and walked to college to change my clothes. I'd promised the Running Club I'd come for their first run this semester - a leisurely 4km stroll. What I didn't account for was the cold - running with just one jacket on is definitely NOT ideal in winter, much less so here in Ireland, where the winds get really strong as night approaches. After our run, I headed to another event - the Orthopaedic Research Night & Stryker Demonstration, organised by the RCSI Orthopaedic Society. Basically, there were some student research presentations, before a short break, followed by a demonstration on hip and joint replacement, by a company called Stryker. Zi Yan and I asked a representative loads of questions and we learnt so much about how bone and tissue engineering. It's such an interesting field to be honest.

4) Took my bath and changed, before coming back to the library to have my dinner. I've noticed my appetite increasing (quite substantially too) during winter, and I suppose it's the body heat we lose due to the cold. I certainly would not want to return to Malaysia as a roly-poly haha. Anyways, a third round of studying - this time on Immunology, and I was done for the day. I must say, almost all my friends here are absolutely crazy. They stay in the library all day like me, but unlike me - they don't seem to take breaks! Oh well, at least it's great motivation for me to try harder. That sums up my day, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Thanks very much as always, and have a great day. Cheers!

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland ^^

Breakfast for today

My usual spot at the Mercer Cafe

That's supposed to be my lunch, just laterally rotated XD

Event of the Night!

Hip and Joint Replacement Surgical Tools

Learning more about orthopaedics and bone replacement surgery from a representative of Stryker,
the largest medical technology industry in Ireland
(excuse the informal wear - I came directly after my run!)

That's me and Zi Yan

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