Wednesday 1 February 2017

DAY 153

Feb 1

1) Today has been a particularly long day for me. Woke up as usual for breakfast, before walking to AIB Bank to carry out some transactions. After that, I went to RCSI, just in time for our first lecture at 10am. We had two lectures before lunch break, one on FUN and the other on HBPS.

2) Had my lunch at the Coffee Doc with my friends. Strangely enough, ALL my friends had pasta today, with the exception of yours truly, who had pizza haha. Aisha was very kind to give each one of us an orange, as she had many from the CNY celebrations a couple days back. Shortly afterwards, it was another three straight lectures until 5.00pm, which included a new module, REGUB (Renal, Endocrine, Genitourinary and Breast) Module. Suffice to say, I wasn't thinking straight after everything was over.

3) Took my stuff to the library, where I soon had dinner. Came back to my desk to immerse myself in  my studies. Our primary focus is Friday's exams, which cover everything we've learnt so far for FUN (Immunology, Anatomy) and HBPS modules. In addition we have the Team Project and Individual Project to complete, with Principal Seminars coming up. Oh well, one step at a time I suppose. That's that for my blog update today, and thanks very much for reading. Cheers!

St. Stephen's Green Park

Toast for breakfast

My lunch today ^^

Dinner at Mercer Cafe

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