Monday 6 February 2017

DAY 158

Feb 6

1) Today has been really mentally draining for me. I know we have had many 9-5 lectures at RCSI, but still after each lecture I lose yet more concentration, and by the final one I'm pretty much gone. So I came over to RCSI after breakfast, and sat down for the first three lectures.

2) After a one-hour lunch break, it was another four consecutive hours of lecture, a mix of HBPS, FUN2  and Immunopharmacology lectures. And at five, surprise surprise - group meeting, to discuss for the latest event, RCSI International Night, where we will performing a couple of dances to showcase Malaysian culture to everyone. Really looking forward to that...

3) Once meeting ended, packed my stuff and went to Mercer Library, where I had my dinner. Then I had to compile notes for today's lectures, plus read up a little on tomorrow's ones as well. I'm NOT looking forward to tomorrow's 8.00am lecture XD. I guess I need to get cracking, or my assignments won't finish themselves haha. That's all for today, and thanks very much for reading. Cheers!

Breakfast and dinner :)

Dunne's Pizza for lunch

Spaghetti for dinner

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