Tuesday 21 February 2017

DAY 173

Feb 21

1) So today we received our timetable for our exams. Our first exam starts late April, and finishes on the 13th of May. I cannot believe how fast time flies. It felt like only yesterday I touched down in Dublin, my friends and I looking more like tourists than students haha. And look at us now. Having acclimatised to living by oneself (or with apartment mates), not to mention staying on top of our ever increasing work schedule.

2) We had only four lectures today, stretched out as usual and ending only at 4.00pm. And immediately afterward, we had our (long overdue haha) meeting with our Personal Tutor, Dr. Natasha Rafter. She asked us how things were, how we were coping and if there was anything she could do to assist. It was really fun meeting up again, and looking back at how far we had come since we last met; which was during the first few weeks of orientation.

3) After the meeting, it was straight to the library, where I had my dinner soon enough. Got the books out and began studying, but I have lots of things to settle. Hopefully everything will sort itself soon, in time for my exams haha. Anyway, that's the gist of my day, and I hope you enjoyed reading. Have a great day, cheers!

Pen and paper

My morning toast

Lunch at the Coffee Doc

My fried rice with sausage

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