Thursday 9 February 2017

DAY 161

Feb 9

1) Today has been a really long day for me. My entire day could be summed up in one word: drawing. Apparently the RCSI Art Society have organised an anatomy sketch competition, and I just had to take part. The theme was anything anatomy, anything goes. So off I went to find a suitable pic and begin my drawing.

2) Essentially my entire day, from morning till night, has been me trying to finish my drawing. I have not completed it even after one full day, which means I'll require the whole of tomorrow as well. I suppose I could cut some corners to finish faster, but the perfectionist in me wants to make sure every minute detail is covered properly.

3) As to how the drawing looks like, I will only post it once it's done haha. But I will have tried my best to make it look good, so stay tuned... Literally poured my heart and soul to make sure it turns out fine, so I'm hoping it works. Anyway, I've done absolutely nothing else other than that for the whole day, which I know is not good for health, but I'll be done by tomorrow so if that's any consolation... Anyway, that's all for my blog today, and tomorrow promises to be more exciting than this. Thanks for reading, and have a great day. Cheers!

Kawasaki Rose I made a while back 
(you can tell I'm running out of ideas for pics haha)

Dinner as usual

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