Thursday 9 February 2017

DAY 160

Feb 8

1) Today was an easy day for us. We had lectures from 10-1 and then it was holidays! Well, for two days to be precise. In short, we have Thurs and Fri off due to Charter Day, which apparently marks the 233th anniversary of the foundation of RCSI by Royal Charter.

2) So what would anybody do after lectures finished? Go to the library of course! I wasn't really studying to be fair, just relaxing and consolidating all my to-do stuff and projects. By evening, I had my usual dinner, before heading over to RCSI...

3) ...For our International Night rehearsal! Khee Heng and I are going to perform the Lion Dance (hopefully!) but there are many types of performances as well, reflecting our truly international spirit. We couldn't practice with the costume today, but we'll have ample time to do so next time. Anyway, practice lasted two hours, at which point I was done. Came back to the library to grab my stuff, and went home soon after. That has been my day today, and I hope you enjoyed reading. Have a great day, cheers!

St. Stephen's Green Shopping Centre

My kitchen

I never really noticed the clock to be honest XD

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