Wednesday 15 February 2017

Day 167

Feb 15

1) Today has been quite a busy day for me. We had but three classes today, namely two REGUB and one HBPS lecture. With that in mind, I was bogged down by my individual project, which requires us to download an app and use it for two weeks, before critically appraising it by writing a report. This has taken up quite a lot of my time, and I'm not entirely sure if I'm doing it correctly, hence the pressure haha. At least the deadline is quite far away, April 4th if I remember correctly...

2) In the afternoon, I went to meet up with my Principal Investigator, Dr Darren Griffith. Earlier on, I had gone for an interview with him, to undertake a research project for the summer. Essentially, RCSI has an awesome Summer School Programme, which allows medical students to carry out research under a Principal Investigator (PI) for around eight weeks. But today, I approached him again for help in completing the application form, which would allow RCSI to provide me with a stipend (essentially a scholarship) to cover living expenses for the two months which I'm staying back.

3) We managed to fill in all the details, and all that's left to do is to scan the signed documents into the Mac, before uploading the completed application online. Hopefully, there will be a positive outcome haha. Anyway, I hopped over to the library after that, had a nice short nap, before waking up to study. I have really been slacking off recently, and I need to catch up before our first Card Signings next week! That's all for my today, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Thanks as always, and have a great day. Cheers!

Not the most welcoming sight I would presume

Fun fact: Only in RCSI will someone approach you nearing closing time to offer free boxes of Domino's pizza leftover from an event (I took a box XD)

That's my homemade fried rice :)

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