Friday 3 February 2017

DAY 154

Feb 2

1) Today has been a really tiring day for me. Woke up to have breakfast, before packing up to go for our first lecture. Truth be told, I didn't pay much attention to these lectures because there weren't coming out for tomorrow's test.

2) Lunch time, and my friends and I rushed to the Coffee Doc to use the microwave before everyone else XD. You won't believe how long the queue can get if you're even a little slow. Anyway, after a quick lunch, it was back to the remaining two lectures for the day. I'm not proud of it, but I admit I skipped the last lecture so I could go to the library, get a little rest (I slept so badly the previous night), before concentrating on our first quiz tomorrow.

3) Soon afterward, I was accompanied by my friends who had also come to the library to study. Three topics were coming out tomorrow - Immunology, Anatomy of the Lower Limb, and HBPS Module. Thankfully I was able to cover most of these lectures before the end of the day. Later in the evening, all of us went back to RCSI, where we attended a short meeting concerning the upcoming Interfaith Ceremony, which pays homage to the deceased (who have voluntarily given their bodies for research) and their families.

4) I opted to join the group which would be reading reflections/ poems/ prayers during the event. We still have not finalise exactly what we intend to read, but that will be sorted out soon (I hope). Returned to the library for one final round of study, and that was it for the night. I've done all I can, and I'll just keep my fingers crossed haha. Thanks for reading as always, and have a great day. Cheers!

Meeting at Nightingale Lecture Theatre,
to discuss about preparations for the Interfaith Ceremony

My morning custom

Chicken korma with rice for lunch ^^

Dinner at the Mercer Cafe

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