Sunday 26 February 2017

DAY 178

Feb 26

1) Today has been a day of playing catch-up with my studies. Woke up early, had my morning toast and went to the library. I spent the entire morning and the better part of the afternoon working on the five Principal Seminar topics. Finally finished writing everything down, and now the only thing left to do is memorise all of it haha

2) After a short nap, I started working on my group's team project. I finally finished my allocated task, and there is very little left to do before we are finally finished with it. Thank goodness for that, for I'm not someone who multitasks very well. Anyway, by this time it was already evening, so I went to have my dinner at Mercer Cafe.

3) The evening was spent tackling the individual project, which had to be completed soon as well. I still have some way to go before finishing up, but at least I'm getting closer. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish all of this soon, so I can start focusing on studies again. That's all for today's blog update, and tomorrow promises to be more eventful. Thanks for reading, and have a great day. Cheers!

Unitarian Church

Yes, I'm experimenting with signatures...

Batch-cooked pasta ^^

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