Sunday 19 February 2017

DAY 171

Feb 19

1) Today has marked a return to my usual cycle of activities. Woke up early today, went down for breakfast, before packing up and heading over to the library. Studying becomes quite therapeutic after a while, and it has become less of a chore for me as the days pass by.

2) During the afternoon, I went over to RCSI, where we had another Lion Dance practice. Together, Khee Heng, Esther, and I came up with moves for the lion and searched for inspiration from past performances. PMCSA (Penang Medical College Student's Association) will be performing during International Night 2017 and we aim to promote our culture and heritage for everyone to see, so the pressure is really on us haha.

3) After a fruitful session, we split up and I went back to the library. I was contemplating going for badminton, but by that time the badminton session was almost over. So I decided against it and had a quick nap. Woke up and had a nice, long chat with my dad - where we discussed accommodation for the next semester. I guess we'll just have to wait it out then.

4) At night, I had chicken sandwiches for dinner, before continuing to study for a while. This Friday is our Card Signing, so we have that to prepare for. Plus tomorrow we have the Interfaith Celebration, and we will get a chance to meet the family of those who donated their bodies to the College. Our aim is to be as professional as possible, while reflecting on the knowledge we have gained by their sacrifice. That sums up my day, and I'll end on that note. Thanks for reading as always, and have a great day. Cheers!

ICHAMS 2017 - checked! ^^

My morning toast

With each passing day, spring is nearing its way

Cupcakes ^^

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