Sunday 12 February 2017

DAY 164

Feb 12

1) Today has been a normal day for me. Woke up and had my breakfast, before going over to the library. Basically, it was studies till lunch time, trying to make up some lost time haha. Afterwards, I had a nice long chat with my parents. Although I miss them (dearly), I'm really glad to hear everyone's doing fine back home...

2) By the time we finished, it was almost late afternoon. I decided to tackle a bit of my Team Project and Individual Project Assignments, and that took up the rest of my time. For dinner, I sampled some of my batch cooked fried rice, and it tasted really good haha. I'm definitely making more next time.

3) As night fell, I found myself studying yet again, revising on past lectures as well as reading up new ones, in anticipation of tomorrow's schedule which is - yet again - another 9-5 lecture. Anyway, I'm going back earlier tonight to print out stuff and do the laundry. So I guess that will do for today. Thanks for reading as always, and have a great day. Cheers!

That's my jacket ^^

Morning toast

Fried rice for dinner :)

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