Thursday 16 February 2017

DAY 168

Feb 16

1) Today has been another long day. While the actual lecture hours weren't too bad (it was from 10-3 only), what made it horrible was the sheer volume of slides per lecture. The last two lectures for example, had 160+ slides between them! Imagine having to go through each and every one of them in order to pass our exams; it is enough to induce stress in anyone haha.

2) In the afternoon, my friends and I went over to the Unitarian Church, where there was a rehearsal for the Interfaith Celebration the following Monday. I will be reading a short, simple thanksgiving note, while most of my friends are either ushers or candle bearers. Practice took us around an hour, at which point we returned to RCSI. I went to the Anatomy Room, where most of my friends were - desperately trying to brush up on anatomy knowledge before their first Card Signing tomorrow (mine is next Friday ^^).

3) Later in the evening, Khee Heng and I went for ICHAMS 2017 (International Conference for Healthcare and Medical Students). It is a three-day event, with guest speakers and presentations of research projects by various students etc. The first event was Keynote Speaker, Mr. Ray Mc Kiernan, who gave an energy packed talk on "The Resilient Cliniciain - Building Resilience for Sustaining Performance in Clinical Practice". Afterwards, there was a smorgasbord of hors d'oeuvre, truly reflecting the wealth of our school to be honest XD. After a while, Khee Heng left to have dinner and study, while the rest of the group went to Harrys on the Green (a cocktail bar) for a pub quiz. I did not follow, but came back to the Coffee Doc to finish some work. That's all for today, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Thanks as always, and have a great day. Cheers!


St. Stephen's Green today!

Unitarian Church

Early dinner today

Albert Lecture Theatre

Fine selection of hors d'oeuvre ^^

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