Monday 6 March 2017

DAY 186

Mar 6

1) Today has been a really cold day. As I was walking to RCSI in the morning, my cheeks were freezing, especially when the wind blew. And blew the wind did, which made me wonder when spring would come. According to the weather forecast, the temperature in Dublin for the next couple of weeks are not expected to change. I can't wait for the time when I can wear a T-shirt and shorts again, but I guess I am in for a long wait then haha.

2) Today's lessons were not particularly long, but this was to facilitate the Principal Seminars, which start today. Mine is tomorrow, and I've been busy trying to finish my presentation within the time limit. There's just so much to talk about, and not a lot of time to present it all. Anyway, after our lessons, I packed my stuff and went to the library as usual.

3) Had my usual lunch and afternoon nap, before studying for tomorrow's lectures on Anatomy. Towards the evening, I continued practising on the five topics for the Principal Seminars. On a side note, it just struck me how fast this semester is passing us by. We are less than a month and a half away from our first exam (OSCE - Objective Structured Clinical Exam), which is on the 22nd next month. Anyway, time to pick up the pace as they say. That's all for my blog today, and I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading as always, and have a great day. Cheers!

Mercer Library
(my second home)


Rice with mince meat, onions, mushrooms and egg

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