Tuesday 21 March 2017

DAY 201

Mar 21

1) Today has been a rather strange day for me. One thing's for sure, the weather is not getting any warmer. I know that other places are probably much worse, but really nothing quite compares to the cold weather + strong winds combo that Dublin has. Rantings aside, this is the first time I felt faint in the anatomy room. I don't know if it was a combination of formaldehyde (used to preserve the cadavers) or the exceptionally cold anatomy room, but somehow my body couldn't take it. My vision went all blurry, and according to my friends my lips were pale.

2) Thankfully, all I needed was to sit down and take a couple of deep breaths. Immediately after the session, I drank copious amounts of water to keep myself hydrated, and I had lunch afterwards too. I felt normal since then. Still wondering what could have triggered it though. I spent the afternoon in the library, before coming back at around 4pm for the last lecture of the day, on prescribing medicine. This is important for our ICP Portfolio, so it was well worth it in my opinion.

3) After our lectures, I remained in the Coffee Doc, before going for our full dress rehearsal for the upcoming International Night (it's this Thursday!) Preparations are well on their way, and hopefully we'll be able to pull it off when the time comes. After a long day, I returned to the library, had a light supper, and then packed my stuff before walking home in the frosty weather. That has been my day, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Cheers!

The flowers in St. Stephen's Green have started to bloom again :D

Fried rice for lunch ^^

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